Sunday, September 19, 2010

Im leaving this town

Goodbye people

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Home sweet home

I got back from my month long trip yesterday and it was great! I went to a wedding shower and a baby shower. The wedding shower was so much fun it was a jack & jill one and it was at a pool hall, after dinner and the gifts were opened there was a dance I sat out for this one I just wasn't in the mood but some of my cousins kept on bugging me to dance with them I couldn't take any more so I gave in and had fun with them on the dance floor. I got home late that night but it was worth it as soon as I got into bed I went to sleep right away.
The next day was my other cousins baby shower shes having a boy and naming him Dylan. I wasn't sure what to get her so at the end I decided to give her a baby book she really liked it. And as for me, I haven't told everyone yet but now im going to tell you all.... im pregnant and im a month and half and im keeping the baby.